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Original Article

Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): January 2022

The Experience among Patients with Bone Fractures during Traditional Massage Therapy (Topu Bara): A Phenomenology Study

January 18, 2022


Background: In Indonesia, traditional medicine called “Sangkal Putung” has become an alternative treatment for fractures. Broken-bones sufferers at any age, anywhere, and in any case go to “Sangkal Putung” and there is even a public hospital that provides surgical services. Especially in Maluku Province, there is a type of traditional massage therapy treatment called “Topu Bara”. 

Purpose: The study aimed to explore the experiences among patients with bone fractures during traditional massage therapy (Topu Bara). 

Methods: A phenomenological study that used deep interviews was used from August to September 2021 The participant was taken by purposive sampling, adult aged 25 to 55-years old, and were the second or more of healing series. Data originated from 15 participants. Interviews were recorded, transcribed verbatim, and Collaizi analysis. 

Results: The results of the study found 7 themes, including causes of fracture, time events, action taken directly after inside, pain experiences during handling in therapy “Topu Bara”, coping of the patients, pain management, and advice given by healer to other participants.

Conclusions: Most of them stated that safety and comfort were the priority for fracture healing. The concept of culture in the behavioral alteration of fracture healing can have on the participants.


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