Nuridah Nuridah, Yodang Yodang Nurses’ characteristics and spiritual care knowledge in hospital setting: A cross-sectional study Abstract View: 412
Nur Umairah El Afifah Al Hisham, Rusila Ruslan Expectation and perception of nursing students in caring for patient with deteriorating: A descriptive qualitative study Abstract View: 308
Lizy Sonia Benjamin, Kawther Eltayeb Ahmed Mohammed Test anxiety and academic performance: A correlational study among nursing college students Abstract View: 2546
Chanvatanak Ly, Punreay Yich, Kanha Thon, Narem Pen, Sreynut Thol, Maly Nou, Chhorn Sokhun Knowledge and attitude on tuberculosis among college students in Cambodia Abstract View: 687
Wella Juartika The effect of drinking cold water on nausea and vomiting among patient with post-chemotherapy breast cancer Abstract View: 9642
Nurhayati Nurhayati, Asih Dewi Setyawati COVID-19 status and its prevention among Indonesian adults Abstract View: 371
Anisa Purnamasari, Ashar Prima, Desrinah Harahap, Amzal Mortin Andas The relationship between body temperature and diet on typhoid fever among toddlers aged 3 – 5 years Abstract View: 1057
Farid Enggal Dwiyanto, Yulis Setiya Dewi, Lailatun Nimah The Correlation between Healthcare Workers' Support and Compliance of COVID-19 Health Protocol Implementation in The Community Abstract View: 364
Danik Sri Widayati, Ach. Dafir Firdaus, Feriana Ira Handian The Relationship Between Level of Knowledge About Early Mobilization with Pain Intensity of Post Laparotomy Patients Abstract View: 823